11 OCTOBER 2020

Sunday 11 October
Cinema La Compagnia – Via Cavour, 50r


H 10.30am
Saletta My Movies (Cinema La Compagnia) – posti limitati, ingresso su prenotazione
Fumetto e impegno sociale: incontro con Luca Ferrara
Il festival offre agli studenti di fumetto e agli appassionati la possibilità di incontrare e di confrontarsi con un autore affermato del settore, Luca Ferrara. L’analisi di un libro coraggioso come Mediterraneo funge da punto di partenza per indagare il lavoro di sceneggiatura e disegno del fumetto.
Per info e prenotazioni: info@middleastnow.


H 11.00am

AYOUNI di Yasmin Fedda
(Uk/Qatar, 2020, 75 minuti) – versione originale, sottotitoli in italiano

Noura and Machi search for answers about their loved ones – Bassel Safadi and Paolo Dall’Oglio, who are among the over 100,000 forcibly disappeared in Syria. Faced with the limbo of an overwhelming absence of information, hope is the only thing they have to hold on to. ‘Ayouni’ is a deeply resonant Arabic term of endearment – meaning ‘my eyes’ and understood as ‘my love’. Filmed over 6 years and across multiple countries in search of answers, Ayouni is an attempt to give numbers faces, to give silence a voice, and to make the invisible undeniably visible.
Con la partecipazione della regista, di Immacolata Dall’Oglio, sorella di Paolo Dall’Oglio, e della giornalista Viviana Mazza (Corriere della Sera)

H 3.30pm

Payam Laghari and Farshad Qaffari
(Kurdistan – Iran, 2018, 1′) v.o. curdo – sottotitoli: italiano
It’s wartime in the Middle East and a Kurdish homeless family is to immigrate to European countries through the sea and something happens to them. The prizewinner for best director in France Mobile Film Festival and selected in several foreign festivals.
Anteprima italiana (introduzione video del regista)

a seguire:

LES HIRONDELLES DE KABOUL di Zabou Breitman and Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec
(France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, 2019, 81′)

The lives of two Afghani couples become fatefully entwined in this moving adaptation of Yasmina Khadra’s bestselling novel about life under Taliban control. Told beautifully through hand-drawn animation, the story opens in 1998; happily married artist Zunaira lives with husband Mohsen as Sharia law takes hold. In the wake of an accident, she finds herself imprisoned and in the custody of Atiq, the warden charged with carrying out a harsh sentence. As his interest in her grows, Atiq begins to question his fealty to the brutalist regime.
Introduzione video delle registe

H 5.30

HARMONICA di Ashkan Saedpanah
(Kurdistan – IRAN, 2019, 16′)
One truck driver decides to come back home early for his wife’s birthday, suddenly he finds out that his wife is not honest with him.
Anteprima italiana (introduzione video del regista)

a seguire:

FORMERLY YOUTH SQUARE di Mina Akbari – Focus Iran
(Iran, 2019, 70′)

Journalist Mina Akbari’s opens with a photograph of a group of 70 journalists taken about 20 years ago in Javanan Square. Of those, only six continue to work in their profession, including the filmmaker. Many emigrated after the 2009 unrest that followed allegedly rigged elections, a few were imprisoned, and others simply left the field. Akbari narrates the film and interviews many of the journalists from the shuttered Jame’e newspaper. They speak about repression and their professional histories, referring to the difficulties and pitfalls of their careers in Iran.
Anteprima italiana, introduce la giornalista Viviana Mazza (Corriere della Sera)


Cinema La Compagnia – ingresso gratuito

Medio-Orienti: visioni di contro-narrative urbane
Con Roï Saade, curatore della mostra SEVEN BY SEVEN e i fotografi protagonisti
7 fotografi del Medio-Oriente condividono con noi visioni delle loro città – Algeri, Baghdad, Beirut, Dubai, Istanbul, Marrakesh and Tehran – colte in un giorno specifico della settimana. In ogni città le varie storie personali si incastrano fra loro fino a creare vere e proprie narrative transculturali. Le visioni urbane sono il frutto del lavoro fotografico collettivo Seven by Seven. In collegamento con Giuseppe Alizzi dialogheranno il curatore e i fotografi, per rivelare la ricchezza transculturale di quella che, per questioni di semplificazione geopolitica, viene definita ‘MENA Region’.

H 9.00pm
Closing Ceremony

Middle East Now 2020

Middle East Now Audience Award” al miglior film votato dal pubblico
“Premio Cinema Iran 2020” al miglior lungometraggio / documentario dall’Iran

“Middle East Now Staff Award 2020” al miglior corto o mediometraggio
“Best OFF” al miglior cortometraggio d’autore assegnato da OFF Cinema

MARADONA’S LEG di Firas Khoury

(Palestina, Germania, 2019, 23’) v.o. arabo – sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
During the 1990 World Cup, two young Palestinian boys are looking for “Maradona’s legs”; the last missing sticker that they need in order to complete their world cup album and win a free Atari.
(introduzione video del regista)

a seguire:

GAZA MON AMOUR di Tarzan e Arab Nasser
(Palestina, Francia, Germania, Portogallo, Qatar, 2020, 88′) vo: arabo – sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Gaza, today. Sixty-year-old sherman Issa is secretly in love with Siham, a woman who works as a dressmaker at the market. Finally determined to propose, he discovers an ancient statue of Apollo in his fishing net, which he decides to hide at home. When Hamas discovers the existence of this mysterious treasure, troubles start for Issa… Will he succeed in declaring his love to Siham?
Alla presenza dei registi








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