7 APRIL 2019

Sunday 7 April
Cinema La Compagnia – Via Cavour, 50r

Cinema La Compagnia – ingresso gratuito

H. 10:30am
Presentazione del libro di Nicola Pedde
“1979. Rivoluzione in Iran. Dal crepuscolo dello scià all’alba della Repubblica islamica (Rosenberg&Sellier 2019). A distanza di 40 anni, un’approfondita analisi storica ricostruisce la genesi e l’esplodere di uno degli eventi più significativi del Novecento.

H. 11.30am
La lunga crisi avviata dalla rivoluzione iraniana del 1979 sembrava avviarsi dopo anni di tensioni, caos e tragedie a una soluzione che avrebbe dovuto coinvolgere tutto il Medio Oriente, dando speranza a chi ormai non intravede più la fine del tunnel. Ma il tavolo sembra essere saltato e si impone la ricerca di nuovi compromessi. Ne discutono Alberto Zanconato (giornalista Ansa), Alberto Bradanini (già Ambasciatore in Iran), Vanna Vannuccini (giornalista Repubblica), Viviana Mazza (Corriere della Sera) modera Nicola Pedde (Institute for Global Studies).

H. 2.45pm

Egitto MIX / Small Stories

di Tamer Ashry

(Egitto 2018, 22’) v.o. arabo, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
“What is the one thing you wish was not forbidden?,” Aiesha posts the controversial question in a close Facebook group for her burqa-wearing peers. Aiesha, who is nicknamed among her peers as the fair eyed haori, meets her friend Sally at the mall shortly after the post. Under her burka, she hides more than her body and face, and during the seemingly ordinary shopping trip, she discovers that what she hates most about her life lays right over her eyes.
Anteprima Europea

Fork and Knife di Adam Abd Elghaffar
(Egypt, 2018, 16’) v.o: arabo, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Over what looks like a random conversation between two strangers who have just met; they reveal their secrets while tackling subjects of love, marriage and infidelity. They explore their reasons in a very intense dialogue, they accept one another’s cruelty, sarcasm, and marriage advice; until they reach an unexpected choice to reveal the ugly truth and they leave just the way they met… as strangers.
Anteprima Europea

to follow

Dream Away
di Marouan Omara, Johanna Domke
(Germania, Egitto, Qatar, 2018, 85’) v.o: Arabo, Inglese, Russo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese

It hasn’t been so very long since rich tourists from around the world came to stay in the luxury hotels of Sharm El Sheikh. But the Arab Spring and the confusion of the post revolutionary period quickly robbed the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula of its charm as a go-to summer resort. Saturated with elements of surreal fiction, the documentary takes us to a shimmering city of ghosts to visit its last inhabitants – resort employees who feverishly dream among the abandoned hotel suites.
Anteprima italiana

H. 4:00pm

Siren’s Call di Ramin Matin

(Turchia, 2018, 93’) v.o: turco, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Welcome to the New Istanbul! Tahsin is a burnt-out architect suffocated by his existence in this very city. One night he re-encounters an old friend, Siren; a transformed woman who now lives in the untouched Southern coast of Turkey where she does organic farming. He is enchanted… He decides to leave his shitty town and follow the “call of the siren”. He packs his suitcase, bids angry farewells at work and heads for the airport. Yet, little does he know what a tragicomic odyssey awaits him. Anteprima Italiana alla presenza del regista e dell’attrice protagonista

H. 6:30pm

The Tower di Mats Grorud – lungometraggio animation
(Norvegia, Svezia, Francia, 2018, 74’) v.o: arabo, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano

Beirut, Lebanon, Today. Wardi, an eleven-year-old Palestinian girl, lives in a refugee camp where she was born. The day her great-grandfather Sidi gives her the key to his old house back in Galilea, she fears he may have lost hope of someday going home. The animation film is based on interviews with Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
Anteprima italiana

H. 9:00
Closing Ceremony di Middle East Now 2019
Una giuria di esperti assegnerà il premio principale:

“Middle East Now 10th Award 2019” al miglior film

“Middle East Now Staff Award 2019” al miglio corto o mediometraggio
Middle East Now Award” per il miglior film votato dal pubblico

Premiazione cortometraggi “Best OFF”

IRANIAN DELIGHTS: dolcezze dall’Iran servite in sala
(incluse nel prezzo del biglietto)

Tehran, City of Love di Ali Jaberansari
(Iran, Gran Bretagna, Paesi Bassi, 2018, 102’) v.o: persiano, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Three disenchanted characters: an ex-champion bodybuilder, an overweight beauty clinic secretary and a dispirited religious singer, yearn for love and connection in Tehran. This is hard enough in any big city – never mind in Tehran, where individual freedoms can’t be taken for granted. The protagonists’ search is subtly and gently sketched in this bittersweet tragicomedy. All three of them are looking for warmth and connection in a society that doesn’t embrace them back.
Anteprima italiana, alla presenza del regista e del produttore Babak Jalali


Sunday 7 April
Cinema Stensen – Viale Don Minzoni 25C

H. 4:00pm

The Salesman di Asghar Farhadi (Il Cliente)
(Iran, Francia, 2016, 123’) v.o: persiano, sottotitoli: italiano
Forced out of their apartment due to dangerous works on a neighboring building, Emad and Rana move into a new flat in the center of Tehran. An incident linked to the previous tenant will dramatically change the young couple’s life.
Alla presenza del regista Asghar Farhadi

H. 6:00