5 APRIL 2019

Friday 5 April
Cinema La Compagnia – Via Cavour, 50r

H 3:30pm
Gulf MIX | small stories

First Feature di Bentley Brown
(USA, Arabia Saudita 2018, 14’) v.o.: arabo, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano

A year before the legalization of cinema in Saudi Arabia, a predominantly female team attempt to make a feature film. In the spirit of debut films, someone documents the production using his first 8mm video camera left over from childhood. Working underground, he collects anonymous accounts and brings them together to form a melancholy narration. Anteprima Italiana

H. 3:45pm
a cura di Laura Aimone che introdurrà il focus e seguirà il Q&A con i registi presenti in sala

(durata tot. 84 min)

di Nora Al Subai

(Qatar 2016, 26’) v.o.: arabo, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Made a servant in her own home by her evil stepfamily, Al-Johara receives a wedding invitation from an old childhood friend. With the help of a neighbor, an eccentric, traditional old woman, Al-Johara might be able to attend her very first wedding – and finally be like her beautiful sisters.
Anteprima Europea

Wonderland, a True Story di Dana Al Mojil
(Kuwait, 2011, 38’) v.o.: arabo, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Wonderland is an adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking-Glass” that is set in Kuwait. With irony and a penetrating look, it highlights the similarities between the social and political situation in modern Kuwait and Wonderland.
Anteprima Europea

Muneera di Oscar Boyson
(Kuwait, 2014, 20’) v.o.: arabo, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Based on the 1929 short story by Kuwaiti writer Khalid Al Faraj, this is the tale of a beautiful woman who must suffer loss to gain understanding. Fearful that she is barren after she marries, Muneera relies on superstitious rites and the hope of miracles in order to ward off her despair. Dreamily and seamlessly moving between Kuwait City and Venice, ‘Muneera’ is a cautionary tale that warns of paying attention to the mystical while ignoring the truth in front of us.
Anteprima Europea

H. 5:15pm
199 Little Heroes di Sigrid Klausmann
(Germania, 2018, 50’) vo originale, sottotitoli italiano, inglese

“199 Little Heroes“ is a worldwide film series project under the patronage of Germany’s UNESCO-Commission. Our aim is to portray one child in each country of the world – all of them framed alike by their way to school. The way to school is symbolic for the way into life, to education and, in that, into a better future.
Anteprima italiana, alla presenza della regista Sigrid Klaussman

to follow

Made in Palestine di Mariam Dwedar
(Palestine, Usa 2019, 7’) v.o. arabo sottotitoli italiano, inglese
Hirbawi Textiles is the last remaining factory in Palestine that produces the iconic Palestinian scarf known as the Kuffiyeh.
Anteprima internazionale alla presenza della regista

H. 6:30pm

Mussolini’s Sister di Juna Suleiman FOCUS EMERGING FILMMAKERS
(Palestina, Israele, 2018, 70’) v.o: arabo, ebraico, inglese, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano

In a documentary with a dash of fiction, we enter the mind of the elderly Hiam, a Palestinian woman from Nazareth. Within her small world, large themes such as arranged marriage, loneliness, decline and racism are explored through her granddaughter’s camera lens.
Anteprima italiana, alla presenza della regista

H. 6:00

Opening of the photo-exhibition

UNTIL WE RETURN by Dalia Khamissy – alla presenza della fotografa
FSM Gallery (Via San Zanobi, 19r) – ingresso libero

Ore 18:30 / 19:00 – Talk con l’artista

IL PUNTO DELLE 19:30 – Cinema La Compagnia – ingresso gratuito

Anissa Helou e il suo libro “Feast. Food of the Islamic World”
Chef, narratrice di storie di cucina e giornalista, Anissa Helou è una delle massime autorità in materia di cucina del Medio Oriente, del Mediterraneo e del Nord Africa. “Feast. Food of the Islamic World” è il suo nono libro, che raccoglie più di 300 ricette che vanno dal Senegal al Nord Africa, al Libano, alla Siria, alla Turchia, all’Afganistan fino al lontano Oriente. In conversazione con Silvia Chiarantini (foodblogger e autrice del libro “Pop Palestine Cuisine”).

H. 8:30pm
ISHKAR – Craftmanship from Countries at War
Presentazione del progetto con i fondatori Flore de Taisne e Edmund Le Brun

In sala degustazione di tè Chawa ricetta tipica dell’Afghanistan, in collaborazione con bouTEAque (Via G. Lanza 71 – Firenze) – ingresso libero 

H. 8.45pm
Le fils du joueur di Carlos Chahine

(Lebanon, France, 2018, 15’) v.o: francese, arabic. Sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Back in Tripoli, his hometown, Karim remembers this Sunday in September 1975 when his grandfather asked him to go get his father at the cafe, at the other end of the city. He was only 6 years old. It was a few minutes before the start of the war… Anteprima alla presenza del regista

to follow

Heaven Without People di Lucien Bourjeily
(Libano, 2017, 90′) v.o: arabo, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano

It’s Easter in Beirut and, as many matriarchs do on this holiday, Josephine has gathered her family to celebrate. It’s no small feat given the sprawling nature of her family, many of whom haven’t shared a meal together in years. While the lunch gets off to a joyfully ruckus start, bit-by-bit the façade of the happy family gathering begins to fall away. The result is an astute meditation on the complexities of human nature and a slice-of-life portrait of Lebanese society. A renowned theatre director and social activist in Lebanon, Lucien Bourjeily’s feature debut builds on his desire to dig into taboo topics to forge space for discourse—even if, as we see in Heaven Without People, that can come at a great cost.
Anteprima alla presenza del regista

H. 10:30pm

You Only Die Twice di Yair Lev

(Israele, Austria, Germania, 2018, 92’) v.o: tedesco, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
The movie plays out like a political thriller or a noir-like spy novel. An Israeli documentary filmmaker sets out to discover the man who, during World War II, stole his grandfather’s identity, spending a lifetime having denied his own. A compelling journey straight into the heart of the darkness that devoured 20th century Europe, which unfolds a drama of survival, betrayal and reconciliation, only to finally blossom into an extraordinary love story.
Anteprima Italiana

Friday 5 April
Cinema Stensen  – Viale Don Minzoni 25C

H. 4:30pm

Humanity on Trial di Jonas Bruun (Replica)

(Danimarca, Grecia, Finlandia, 2019, 70’) v.o: danese, inglese, arabo, greco, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
When the refugee crisis hits Europe, the young Dane Salam travels to Greece to volunteer. Rescuing refugees from the Aegean Sea becomes his calling. But one night while trying to find a refugee family lost at sea, Salam is arrested and charged with human trafficking. If he is convicted, he might spend the rest of his life behind bars in a Greek prison. In the country where democratic values were born, Salam’s case will set the course for the future of Europe’s humanity. The verdict will decide: Is saving lives a crime in Europe?
Alla presenza del regista e del protagonista Salem

H. 6:00pm
The Cow di Dariush Mehrjui – carte blanche ad Asghar Farhadi
(Iran, 1969, 104’) v.o: persiano, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano

The whole village knows that Mashti Hassan loves his cow to death. One day he goes to the Tehran. His cow dies. The villagers are afraid of what might happen once Hassan finds out his cow is dead. What will happen when he finds out?

H. 9:00pm
Carnet de Route a Ispahan di Isabelle Eshragi
(Iran, 2018, 15’ / 5 episodi) v.o: francese, persiano, sottotitoli: italiano

A month after the Trump administration announced sanctions against Iran, Franco-Iranian photographer Isabelle Eshraghi returned to her hometown of Esfahan, Iran’s economic centre. She observes the daily life of the people of Isfahan in turmoil after the sanctions. Their doubts about the future are many. Yet, life goes on…..
Anteprima italiana alla presenza dell’autrice

H. 9:15pm

Finding Farideh di Azadeh Mousavi, Kourosh Ataee – lungometraggio doc
(Iran, 2017, 80’) v.o: persiano, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese

Finding Farideh is about a woman whose parents left her behind in Imam Reza Shrine, adopted by a Dutch family and taken away to Netherlands. Fear and her family’s concerns prevented her from travelling to Iran in past 40 years but in recent years she has remotely searched for her biological family. And now she is preparing to go back to her birthplace and meet three families who could be her lost biological parents.
Anteprima italiana

BUH! Circolo Culturale Urbano (via Panciatichi 16).
Dalle ore 22:00
Dj Set Live di Beirut World Beat
Special appearance Saeed Aman + other special guests