The theme of the sixth edition of the festival will be “Traveling through the Middle East”, and it will be developed through a series of events, screenings, publications and photographic and artistic installations, based on the concept of traveling in this part of the world. Traveling as a fundamental act of knowledge, traveling as one of the best way to know, see, think, discuss, talk and understand. With a myriad of special projects, Middle East Now will turn itself into a stage of experiences and paths, special itineraries within the large map of the Middle East, the vast area of the world stretching from Morocco to Afghanistan, via Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, UAE, Syria, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kurdistan, Saudi Arabia and to Turkey.
Photo credit: @everydaymiddleeast / People watch as the Greek Ship erodes along the shores of Kish Island, Iran / Photo by Sarah Dea