EXHIBITION: “Watermelon After Lunch” by Zahra Marwan
At the Cinema La Compagnia and at the Cartavetra art gallery, on stage a new art project by the artist […]
...EXHIBITION: “Watermelon After Lunch” by Zahra Marwan Leggi tutto
At the Cinema La Compagnia and at the Cartavetra art gallery, on stage a new art project by the artist […]
...EXHIBITION: “Watermelon After Lunch” by Zahra Marwan Leggi tutto
A new project dedicated to comics and graphic novels, which aims to observe the Middle East from a different point
...The Middle East in comics Leggi tutto
At the Cinema La Compagnia the pop-up shop exhibition dedicated to ISHKAR, the platform launched by Flore de Taisne and
...ISHKAR Craftmanship from countries at war Leggi tutto
Sabato 8 aprile torna il DOC LAB dedicato allo sviluppo di progetti di documentario: un case study e un workshop
...Workshop: il DOC LAB in collaborazione con Greenhouse Leggi tutto