Cinema La Compagnia – Via Cavour, 50r
Hours 11.00am – 1.00pm – Cinema La Compagnia – free entrance
Verso un nuovo scontro di civiltà? Il caos mediorientale alla prova dello tsunami Trump
In collaborazione con Institute for Global Studies
In un Medio Oriente dove le crisi aperte dalla sciagurata politica estera americana di Bush Jr e dalla grande illusione delle “primavere” arabe non sembrano volersi placare, l’irruzione, per ora soprattutto mediatica, del nuovo presidente americano rischia di scombinare ancora una volta le carte, inasprendo vecchi conflitti e nuove tensioni. Ne parlano: Giuseppe Acconcia (Il Manifesto), Alistair Crooke (Diplomatico, Conflict Forum), Alberto Negri (Il Sole 24 Ore), Ferial Mouhanna (Università di Damasco), Fulvio Scaglione (giornalista,esperto di MO), Alberto Zanconato (Ansa). Modera Nicola Pedde (Institute for Global Studies).
Hours 3.00pm
Submarine by Mounia Akl
(Lebanon, 2016, 20’) v.o. arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Lebanon, 2017: a garbage crisis has led to terrible health threats, and acid rain triggers a town’s evacuation. But while Hala refuses to leave, she doesn’t want to be left alone either.
– to follow
Kedi: Cats in Istanbul by Ceyda Torun
(Turkey, 2016, 79’) v.o. turco, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Hundreds of thousands of cats roam the metropolis of Istanbul freely. For thousands of years they’ve wandered in and out of people’s lives, becoming an essential part of the communities that make the city so rich. In Istanbul, cats are the mirrors to the people, allowing them to reflect on their lives in ways nothing else could.
Italian Premiere
Hours 4.45pm
Foreign Body by Raja Amari
(Francia, Tunisia, 2016, 92’) v.o.francese, arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Seeking refuge from her Islamist radical brother, Samia stays at her friend Imed’s, but longs for her independence and freedom. She will find it in the form of Mrs Bertaud, a rich widow she starts working for. Their professional relationship soon turns into a sensual connection which troubles Imed, torn between his religious beliefs and his sexual desires.
Italian Premiere
Hours 6.15pm
Oxfam presents:
“Dall’Acqua ai mercati – sostegno al settore agricolo Palestinese” (4′)
Video produced by Oxfam with the support of the Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo.
Introduction by Paola Plona from Oxfam
– to follow
The Parrot by Amjad Al-Rasheed, Darin J.Sallam
(Giordania, Germania, 2016, 15’) v.o. arabo, ebraico, yiddish, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
1948, Haifa, Palestine. A Mizrahi Jewish family from Tunisia tries to settle into their new life, but is haunted by a rather disturbing houseguest – a parrot left behind by the former Arab residents. Anteprima italiana
Italian Premiere
Waiting for Giraffes by Marco De Stefanis
(Olanda, Belgio, 2016, 70′) v.o. arabo, inglese, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
In the Palestinian village of Qalqilya, surrounded mainly by Israeli wall, who is the more constrained, the citizens or the zoo animals? Many of the animals were killed during the intifada and the situation is extremely difficult, but Dr. Sami, the zoo’s vet, is determined to bring back life to the zoo in the form of two new giraffes. However, the country’s grim political circumstances and the incredible task of meeting European zoo standards can test even the most resourceful of vets…
Italian Premiere at the presence of the director and of the Zoo Director Dr Sami
Eating Middle East
Hours 8.00pm
Middle East Urban Delights
Degustazione per le strade di Beirut, Istanbul e Il Cairo
Profumi di spezie, legumi e cous cous, si fondono tra le specialità preparate da Ditta Artigianale e La Valle dei Cedri, in collaborazione con Pop Palestine
Degustazione + proiezione del film a seguire: 15 euro
Posti limitati – Prenotazione con prevendita direttamente alla cassa del Cinema La Compagnia
o su /
Hourse 9.00
Closing Ceremony of Middle East Now 2017
“Middle East Now Award” to the best film voted by the audience
“Best Short Film by NYU”, “Best OFF”
Mare Nostrum by Rana Kazkaz, Anas Khalaf
(Francia, Siria, 2016, 12’) v.o. inglese, sottotitoli: italiano
On the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, a Syrian Father makes a risky decision that puts his daughter’s life at risk.
Italian Premiere
to follow the closing film:
Ali, the Goat and Ibrahim by Sherif El Bendary [FOCUS EGYPT]
(Egitto, Emirati Arabi, Francia, Qatar, 2016, 90′) v.o. arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
This is the strange love story of a young man, Ali, living in a rough neighborhood. He travels across Egypt on the recommendation of a psychic along with, Ibrahim notoriously known for hearing voices in his head, which drive him mad. Their journey turns into a voyage of friendship and self-discovery.
Italian premiere at the presence of the actor Aly Sobhy
Cinema Stensen – Viale Don Minzoni, 25c
Hours 11.00am
Last Men in Aleppo by Firas Fayyad, co-directed by Steen Johannessen
(Siria, Danimarca, 2017, 104’) v.o. arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Nowhere is the human toll of Syria’s ongoing civil war more brutally manifest than in the lives of Aleppo’s “White Helmets”—first responders to the devastating bombing and terrorist attacks that have pushed this city to the brink of collapse. Volunteers Khaled, Mahmoud, and Subhi rush toward bomb sites while others run away. They search through collapsed buildings for the living and dead. Contending with fatigue, dwindling ranks, and concerns for their families’ safety, they must decide whether to stay or to flee a city in ruins.