Cinema Odeon in Florence

Middle East Now is a festival on cinema, documentaries, art and culture from the Middle East and North Africa, that is organized by the no-profit cultural association Map of Creation.

Middle East Now is the only event in Italy dedicated to the contemporary Middle East and North Africa, with the aim of highlighting the culture and identity of the countries of this part of the world and bringing them to the attention of the Italian public, overcoming stereotypes that often come out from the international mass media.

The Festival Programme is designed to give visibility to movies that do not normally find an Italian distribution and are selected among the most recent and significant Arab, Iranian and Afghan cinematography. Particular attention is given to the productions of directors who are emerging in the international cinema scenario.

The Festival is also enriched by exhibitions of photography, visual arts, painting, sculpture, debates and presentations of books, with the intention of presenting the complexity of cultural and artistic expression with which the Middle East as a whole is facing a difficult challenge from today’s leading role within the global world and the need to preserve its identity,  historical and cultural peculiarities.

Moroccan artist Hassan Hajjaj, special guests festival 2013



[blox_row text_light=”0″ padding_top=”VIDEO 2015″][blox_column width=”1/1″][blox_video title=”VIDEO REPORT 2015″ animation=”none”]https://youtu.be/pr2k5IQArAU[/blox_video][/blox_column][/blox_row]

[blox_row text_light=”0″ padding_top=”VIDEO REPORT 2014″][blox_column width=”1/1″][blox_video title=”VIDEO REPORT 2014″ animation=”none”]https://youtu.be/rq3d3Xn84zc[/blox_video][/blox_column][/blox_row]