Thursday 9 April
Cinema ODEON, Piazza Strozzi

4.00 pm

The Policeman House
THE POLICEMAN’S HOUSE by Mich’ael Zupraner
(Israele, Palestina, 2013, 25’) vo. ebraico, arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Provocatively constructed around Mich’ael Zupraner’s precarious position as an Israeli Jew living in the Palestinian city of Hebron, the film alternates a gaze looking out of and one looking into his house, with a series of rumours, lies, and half-truths about his presence that circulate among his Arab and Jewish neighbours.
Italian première

to follow:

Mulberry House_Middle East Now
(Yemen , Syria , Egypt, Scotland, United Arab Emirates, 2013, 65′) vo. arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
After 10 years in Scotland, Sara Ishaq travels back to her childhood home of Yemen and takes her camera along. In this personal and touching film, Ishaq captures events in her own home throughout the tumultuous period of the Revolution, when multiple changes are afoot.


5.45 pm

THE RUNNER by Mohannad Eissa [Tripoli Stories]
(Libia, UK, 2014, 4’) vo. arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
The story of what happened to Libyan runner Tari Al Shibli when he revealed his tattooed independence flag after winning international race.
International Première

to follow:

No Land's Song_Middle East Now
NO LAND’S SONG by Ayat Najafi
(Iran, Germania, Francia, 2014, 90’) vo. persiano, inglese, francese, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
In Iran it is forbidden for women to sing solo in front of a mixed audience. The dream of a young composer, Sara Najafi, to bring on stage two official Iranian singers along with three French artists, it turns into a fascinating journey between prohibitions and taboos.
Italian première, introduced by Felicetta Ferraro – curator Iran section


Cinema Odeon – free entrance (7.30-8.00 pm)
Chiara Comito (Editoria Araba) e Felicetta Ferraro (Ponte33) presentano “Voyage Books”:  insolite guide di viaggio, narrativa e consigli di lettura per viaggiatori alle prese col Medio Oriente e il Nord Africa. E inoltre, presentazione dell’installazione Soundscape of Tehran, con l’intervento della curatrice iraniana Leila Sajjadi, e del progetto fotografico Everyday Middle East, con la fondatrice e reporter canadese Lindsay Mackenzie.


8.00 pm
Eating Middle East:
La Cucina del Sultano_Middle East Now
A selection of specialties from Turkish cuisine
Tasting + film screening to follow: 15 euro
Buy the ticket directly at the Cinema Odeon cashier
or at www.boxol.it

8.45 pm

UNTIL I LOSE MY BREATH di Emine Emel Balci
(Turchia, Germania, 2015, 94’) vo. turco, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Serap is a quiet but hot-headed adolescent who is working long hours in a cramped clothing workshop. The only thing that keeps Serap going is the hope of moving into an apartment with her father, a long distance truck driver. Since the father is quite indifferent to Serap’s wishes, however, she decides to take matters in her own hands.
Italian première at the presence of the director, introduction by Marco Luceri – film critic (SNCCI)

10.30 pm

THE JOURNEY by Hana Makki
(Emirati Arabi, 2012, 15’) vo. arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
A conversation between a young Ethiopian housemaid arriving in a new country and her older Indian Taxi Driver. On their journey we discover these invisible expatriates’ hopes, dreams and realities.
Italian première, at the presence of the director 

to follow

 Nujoom Alghanem [Window on UAE]
(Emirati Arabi, 2010, 63’) vo. arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Hamama is a nearly 90-year-old female healer and living legend in the Emirates. Blessed with an incredible gift of healing she has to face her fragility and age that threaten to impact her work and her livelihood.
Italian Première, introduced by Laura Aimone curator of the UAE Window


Thursday 9 April

Cinema Stensen – Viale Don Minzoni 25

9.00 pm

STUFFED FISH by Baran Jafari
(Iran, 2014, 6’), vo persiano, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Shirin returns to Iran a day earlier than she was supposed to without informing anyone, and she plans to surprise Amir by the stuffed fish she is going to make…
Italian Première, at the presence of the director

to follow:

 Rakhshan Bani-Etemad – Hommage to Simin Motamed Arya
(Iran, 85’, 1995) vo. persiano, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano.
An elderly owner of a tomato farm and sauce factory, after his wife’s death, falls in love with one of the workers of the factory. While everybody in the big family persuades the old man to abandon the relationship, the old man makes his final choice of love.
A conversation with the actress Simin Motamed Arya to follow