4 APRIL 2019

Thursday 4 April
Cinema La Compagnia – Via Cavour, 50r

H 3:00pm
Carnet de Route a Ispahan di Isabelle Eshragi – web series
(Iran, 2018, 15’) v.o: francese, persiano, sottotitoli: italiano
A month after the Trump administration announced sanctions against Iran, Franco-Iranian photographer Isabelle Eshraghi returned to her hometown of Esfahan, Iran’s economic centre. She observes the daily life of the people of Isfahan in turmoil after the sanctions. Their doubts about the future are many. Yet, life goes on…..
Anteprima italiana alla presenza dell’autrice.

H 3:45pm

Nader and Simin, A Separation
di Asghar Farhadi
(Iran, 2011, 123’) v.o: persiano, sottotitoli: italiano
Una coppia, Nader e Simin, hanno idee opposte sul vivere all’estero ma le stesse opinioni sul divorzio. Mentre Simin è ansiosa di assicurare un futuro migliore alla figlia, Nader rifiuta di lasciare il padre anziano, affetto dal morbo di Alzheimer. Quando il giudice si rifiuta di formalizzare la separazione, Simin lascia la casa di famiglia, con Nader che assumerà una governante. Razieh è una donna devota e povera che si occupa della casa e del padre di Nader con la propria figlia di quattro anni. Quando un giorno Nader ritorna e trova suo padre solo e in difficoltà, la sua furia porta ad un litigio che ha conseguenze inaspettate e devastanti. Alla presenza del regista e dell’attore Babak Karimi

H 6:15pm

Humanity on Trial
di Jonas Bruun – documentario
(Danimarca, Grecia, Finlandia, 2019, 70’) v.o: danese, inglese, arabo, greco, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
When the refugee crisis hits Europe, the young Dane Salam travels to Greece to volunteer. Rescuing refugees from the Aegean Sea becomes his calling. But one night while trying to find a refugee family lost at sea, Salam is arrested and charged with human trafficking. If he is convicted, he might spend the rest of his life behind bars in a Greek prison. In the country where democratic values were born, Salam’s case will set the course for the future of Europe’s humanity. The verdict will decide: Is saving lives a crime in Europe?
Anteprima italiana alla presenza del regista e del protagonista Salam

Cinema La Compagnia, 19.30 – 20.30 – ingresso gratuito
Siria: guerra e ricostruzione?
A otto anni dal conflitto siriano ancora in corso, Middle East Now continua il suo impegno a dar spazio e voce alla Siria e alle complesse dinamiche che hanno stravolto il Paese. In dialogo con Giuseppe Alizzi (esperto di Siria) ci sarà Eugenio Dacrema (ricercatore Medio Oriente e Nord Africa di ISPI Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale), per indagare temi chiave fra cui il governo locale, l’economia di guerra e il suo impatto sulla futura ricostruzione della Siria, la situazione e il futuro dei rifugiati.

Eating Middle East

Ore 20.00 – Cinema La Compagnia – su prenotazione
Le tradizioni culinarie che hanno accompagnato il Festival nei suoi primi dieci anni, per una sera verranno rimescolate, rigirate, mixate e remixate al ritmo tak, dum. Ricette, ingredienti e spezie si liberano in un azzardo culinario che scorre su ponti di creatività che uniscono le sponde del Mediterraneo.

A cura di Silvia Chiarantini / Pop Palestine e Ristorante La Valle dei Cedri
Degustazione + proiezione del film a seguire: 15 euro
Prenotazione con prevendita direttamente alla cassa del Cinema La Compagnia
Per informazioni: info@middleastnow.it

H 8.45pm

Divine Wind di Merzak Allouache – lungometraggio fiction

(Algeria, France, Qatar, Lebanon, 2018, 96’) v.o: arabo, sottotitoli: italiano, inglese
Twenty-something Amine and Nour, who’s a little older, are strangers when they first meet, preparing for an attack. Nour is determined to carry out the attack and become a martyr. She is the one who is in control. But her inexperienced accomplice starts to have his doubts about the attack on a nearby oil refinery. As the two of them prepare for the attack, they each learn in their own way how to deal with the existential questions this throws up. During the night before the dangerous action, Nour plays her last trump card.
Anteprima italiana, alla presenza del regista

H 10:30pm

Underdown di Sarah Kaskas

(Germany, Lebanon, 2018, 72’) – lungometraggio documentario
In the concrete jungle that is Beirut, Lebanon, an outspoken taxi driver, a runaway Syrian boy, among other people are doing their best to survive. Hoping for better times, and on occasion there’s a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel.
Anteprima italiana alla presenza della regista

THE GLASS BETWEEN US di Mohammad Alfaraj

Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea (Piazza delle Murate)
Exhibition-installation by the young Saudi artist protagonist of the fifth edition of the artist residency “Middle East Now x Crossway Foundation Residency” in collaboration with Le Murate. Progetti Arte Contemporanea.
Opening: h. 5:30pm – free entrance

Thursday 4 April
Cinema Stensen – Viale Don Minzoni 25C

H 5:30pm
Waterfolks di Azadeh Bizargiti
(Iran/Kurdistan 2018, 30’) – anteprima europea

Sakineh and Sobra are two of the many fisherwomen of Hangam Island in the Persian Gulf. They go to sea every day to support their families. This film is a close-up of their daily life at sea and on shore. No narration is needed as their story tells itself through stunningly beautiful images. It won best short documentary film from Cinema Verité Tehran.

H 6:30pm

Kabul, City in the Wind di Aboozar Amini – Replica del film di apertura
(Afghanistan, Paesi Bassi, 2018, 88’) v.o: persiano, sottotitoli: inglese, italiano

Kabul as seen through the daily lives of two kids and a bus driver, set against the background of a city destroyed by political and religious powers. Afshin (12) and his younger brother Benjamin (6) live on a hillside outside Kabul. Violence has become a part of their innocence and the graveyard is their playground. When their father leaves for another country, Afshin’s childhood ends abruptly. Abbas is a bus driver with a double personality, a loving father and a ruthless driver who blows his top all the time. His lengthy attempts to fix his broken bus reveal a life torn between truth and lies.

H 9:00pm
About Elly di Asghar Farhadi

(Iran, Francia, 2009, 119’) v.o: persiano, tedesco – sottotitoli: italiano

A group of middle-class friends travel from Tehran to spend the weekend at the seaside. Sepideh invites Elly, who is her daughter’s teacher, to travel with the three families in order to introduce her to their recently divorced friend Ahmad, now living in Germany. The next morning, the two women go shopping in the town and Elly says that she has to return to Tehran because her mother has been recently submitted to hospital for heart surgery, but Sepideh asks her to stay and hides her luggage. The children are playing in the sea and one mother asks Elly to watch them. Out of the blue, Sepideh’s daughter calls to some men playing volleyball to rescue one of the children from the water. After rescuing the little boy they seek out Elly, questioning whether she has drowned or returned to Tehran. What has happened to Elly?
Alla presenza del regista Ashgar Farhadi



H. 9.00pm – Teatro Cantiere Florida (via Pisana 109)

In collaboration with Murmuris and the Materia Prima festival, the Italian premiere of the documentary theatre play based on the story of the Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, condemned by the Israeli authorities for “inciting violence”, for her poems and posts published on Facebook. On stage Einat Weizman, a well-known Israeli playwright, actress and activist, who met and accompanied Dareen during his struggle. 

For info and bookings: +39 055 71 35 357
prenotazioni@teatroflorida.it / www.teatroflorida.it
