From 10.00am – COOKING DEMONSTRATION con Saghar Setareh
Scuola d’Arte Culinaria Cordon Bleu

– su prenotazione – info@middleastnow.it

Sunday 15 October
Cinema La Compagnia – Via Cavour, 50r

H 3:00pm

YOU ALL & I ALONE di Sami Barış Kefeli e Nükhet Taneri
(Turchia, 2023, 13) v.o. turco– sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Deniz is a well loved and respected scholar. During a city wide power cut in Istanbul, Deniz’s apartment has electricity. Deniz feels lucky at first, but as the blackout continues he starts to feel alienated.
Anteprima italiana

BLUE ID di Burcu Melekoglu e Vuslat Karan (Turchia, 2022, 85’)
In Turkey, the national ID-cards are blue for men and pink for women. In 2012, a beaming Rüzgar Erkoçlar received his first testosterone injection, marking an important step in his gender affirmation. Could he have imagined then how arduous that journey would be? Blue ID follows Erkoçlar, a formerly famous Turkish actor, in his battle to accept himself and to be accepted in a traditional and conservative country. Blue ID won the audience award at the world’s largest documentary festival, IDFA, in 2022.
Anteprima italiana

H 5:00pm

With the special participation of Mohsen Makhmalbaf, one of the Master of Iranian and world cinema
In conversation with film critic Marco Luceri

TALKING WITH RIVERS di Mohsen Makhmalbaf 
(Iran, 2023, 55’) v.o persiano – sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
Talking with Rivers is a conversation between Iran and Afghanistan, two neighboring countries that used to be one land. The two countries are now sharing their stories after they parted from each other, from the era of Soviet invasion to the civil war and the Taliban era, up to and including the rise and fall of America and the return of the Taliban.
Anteprima italiana alla presenza del regista Mohsen Makhmalbaf

to follow

THE LIST by Hana Makhmalbaf  (Afghanistan, 2023, 65’)
v.o persiano – sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
In the course of a few days, with the final withdrawal of the international forces from Kabul, the lives of millions of Afghan people suddenly changes for the worse. Overnight, with the return of the Taliban to power, many artists and filmmakers in the country find themselves at risk of being executed. In an attempt to escape to safety, like many others, they rush to the international airport to board the last few leaving planes.

H 9:00pm

Closing Night Ceremony
Middle East Now 2023

“Middle East Now Audience Award” al miglior film votato dal pubblico
“Premio Cinema Iran – Afghanistan 2023” al miglior lungometraggio / documentario dall’Iran
“Middle East Now Staff Award 2023” al miglior corto o mediometraggio
“Best OFF” al miglior cortometraggio d’autore assegnato da OFF Cinema

Closing Night Film:
BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem 
(Francia, Palestina, Belgio, Qatar, 2023, 82’) v.o. arabo – sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
In her early twenties, Hiam Abbass left her native Palestinian village to follow her dream of becoming an actress in Europe, leaving behind her mother, grandmother, and seven sisters. Thirty years later, her filmmaker daughter Lina returns with her to the village and questions for the first time her mother’s bold choices, her chosen exile and the way the women in their family influenced both their lives. Set between past and present, Bye Bye Tiberias pieces together images of today, family footage from the nineties and historical archives to portray four generations of daring Palestinian women who keep their story and legacy alive through the strength of their bonds, despite exile, dispossession, and heartbreak.
Con la partecipazione della sceneggiatrice e montatrice Gladys Joujou – In collegamento con la regista Lina Soualem

Sunday 15 October
Cinema Astra  – Piazza Cesare Beccaria 9

*Selezione Berlinale Panorama*
Evento speciale alla presenza della regista Eliane Raheb, con la partecipazione di Batholomew Sammut, programme manager di Berlinale Panorama

H 4:00pm
MIGUEL’S WAR by Eliane Raheb

(Libano, Germania, Francia, 2021, 128’) v.o. arabo – sottotitoli: inglese, italiano
In this Teddy Award winner from Berlinale, Miguel returns to Lebanon after 37 years to reflect on his experience growing up queer during the civil war. Having spent the years since leaving as an out gay man in Spain, Miguel is back to remember the relationships that shaped him as a son, lover, and soldier. Director Eliane Raheb uses a mixed media approach to deconstruct the documentary form and pull the truth out of her unreliable narrator. In their collaborative effort to recreate, process and illuminate the past, MIGUEL’S WAR achieves a monumental new form of storytelling.
Con la partecipazione della regista Eliane Raheb